Notice Board

Please add anything you like to the comments of this page: things like local events you want everyone to  know about, special messages, thoughts and ideas etc..



  1. He's Lucky he didn't fall into the hands of this church.

  2. ha ha that's a cracker !!

  3. In the mirror I can see
    A face that looks a lot like me
    But older, and somehow less fun
    The outside me is not the one
    I feel inside. How can this be?
    Inside i'm young and free
    Inside I haven't changed a bit
    From when I studied English Lit
    And loved Bob Dylan and the Stones
    and wore a Bra like Ice cream cones
    The inside me is looking out
    At some imperious old trout
    Who seems to know me. I can't hide
    The outside me is young inside.

  4. WARNING DOG OWNERS, People with pets in Billinge, Orrell and Wigan, area be careful, there are people going round stealing them to use as bait for dog fighting, keep an eye on them, they are also putting coloured stickers on your gates, fence posts and street signs outside your house, if you see these rip them off as it tells them how many pets you have size and type in code, tell your friends. PLEASE SHARE.


  5. So is calling someone a tyrant! How can you ridicule a person following a fairly harmless request for assistance reference the Dogs Fire and instantly you resort immediately not by positive actions but a tirade of personal and targeted abuse. All Shelly wanted was some support and you supplied slanderous bitching and back biting - Ashamed for you

  6. Concerned Resident19 September 2014 at 15:38


  7. Replies
    1. back in your kennel before kerry catches you talking out of class

  8. It's quite obvious that the administrator of the site is incapable of moderating or controlling the site and will not therefore take the right and responsible action to close it down.

    Preferring instead to pour fuel on the fire and allow people to verbally abuse each other and make scathing accusations with no moderation at all.

    The longer you keep it a live blog, the bigger the fool you are ! If it's what you intended you have achieved your goal but have some sense of decorum and shut it down.

    It's quite obvious that the administrator of the site is incapable of moderating or controlling the site and will not therefore take the right and responsible action to close it down.

    Preferring instead to pour fuel on the fire and allow people to verbally abuse each other and make scathing accusations with no moderation at all.

    The longer you keep it a live blog, the bigger the fool you are ! If it's what you intended you have achieved your goal but have some sense of decorum and shut it down.

    It's quite obvious that the administrator of the site is incapable of moderating or controlling the site and will not therefore take the right and responsible action to close it down.

    Preferring instead to pour fuel on the fire and allow people to verbally abuse each other and make scathing accusations with no moderation at all.

    The longer you keep it a live blog, the bigger the fool you are ! If it's what you intended you have achieved your goal but have some sense of decorum and shut it down.

  9. Is this site still active in Feb 2015? After last night's big police operation in Billinge and today's snow and tonight's big match has anyone got anything worth saying?

  10. To all residents who live at Billinge Higher End and are registered at Billinge Medical Practice, has anyone noticed that the practice address has changed from Billinge Practice to Orrell surgery at the top of their prescription ? residents at this part of Billinge are being affected by this and when it is questioned at the Billinge practice, staff are saying that it is a computer glitch or an error on the system made by staff and that it makes no difference what it says on your prescription but they cannot change the address back to Billinge where you are registered, well as more and more people are challenging this it's becoming known now as people are talking about this problem, that residents are being forced over to Orrell surgery without any discussion or warning this has already happened, please be aware and stick to your guns and don't accept the address change no matter what excuse the staff give you in order to remain at Billinge practice where you are a registered patient. Residents are in talks about starting a petition about how Billinge surgery is run the sooner the better as it is going down hill fast,
