Thursday 28 August 2014

Is This the New Planning Deception?

 This is the January 12th view of Crank Road, along the front of the church, as shown in the church's independent Traffic Survey as presented to the council:

This is the view of the same road on 8th August:

Southward View From Church Entrance

Northward View From Church Entrance
 From January 12th Traffic Survey



  1. We all know what has happened here, the day the traffic management people have turned up Mr Kerry knew all along about the visit and so stage planned the whole scene to make it look as if there wasn't a parking problem he's fooling no one but himself, photographs don't lie, and we have plenty of them, he obviously has inside information on when things are going to happen but guess what the residents are just as clever !!

    1. Yes we are clevererer than him, but you might be wrong about the photo thing. I saw one once of a man with a horses head, I don't think that was real and another of a dog driving a car. That can't be real it could never reach the peddles and how could it pass the theory test. Mind you them Alsatians are supposed to be vey clever and I had a jack russel once that could say sausages as good as that one off the telly.

    2. No, but I once had the metal bob cap at Billinge psychiatric ward. Didn't help, just gave me a headache, but it's not all bad I can jump start a car now without leads.

    3. That's rather rude and also a physical impossibility.
      Mind you I used to be very good at physical jerks when I did my National Service I did. The sergeant always said I was beyond belief and that I was officer material. Well he didn't use those exact words but he said something about being in a mess and that's were the officers have their dinner, so he could obviously see I had potential.
      I can still get my leg over my head, for what use that has ever been and my dexterity on the dance floor is often talked about down at the Legion.

  2. Too true Its an accident waiting to happen.

  3. kerry and his clan deceive every body even his followers do not know what he is up to

  4. Things are going to get much worse than this. They have started parking on each side of the road now!

  5. Why don't the residents of Crank Rd and Coppice Drive get together and park their cars outside of their property's early every Sunday morning for a couple of hours, this if done continually will send a message to B F C that outsiders coming to block our streets is not acceptable. Residents in other areas suffering a similar problem to ours have done this and achieved success !


    1. Outsiders how patronisingly arrogant of you to label anyone not living directly on the church boundary as an outsider ?if that's your thought process it says a lot about your intellect - it's a public highway English law on this is quite simple. The road is a PUBLIC road, owning or occupying a house gives you no special right to claim the road outside. If someone parks outside your house, then that's just a bit of tough luck you are having, anyone is entitle to park there.

    2. It's actually the Queen's highway and if she's not using it then we should write to her and ask if we can park there. If we do it quick we might get first shout because these people are crafty and might beat us to it.
      If she ever visits Billinge it will be in the papers. I think The Times prints the details, it's called 'The Court Circular'. (That's not the same as in the Reporter, that's 'This Week in Court' with all the scallies who fiddle the DHSS and get caught shoplifting) anyway we'll have plenty notice of her arrival so we can move them before she gets here.
      Always happy to help.

    3. In response to your above comments tell us your home addresses we will all get together and park in front of your drive ways and block them, tell you what we'll bring a music amplifier system and sing for you as well , oh and how about some really big spotlights shinning into your windows and a drone aerial helicopter to take some photos while we are at it that sound good to you !!

    4. I know a good mate who will do the catering. I might get a special deal from him. Do you thing DeRomas will put an ice cream van on, we could get a cut from that you know.
      Will it be a ticket do, cause it may be a bit hard to stop gate crashers but I could do a bit of bouncing if you like.
      Anyway if it does come off try not to have it in the last week in October as Ive promised to visit my sister in Styal. I haven't got the exact date yet as I haven't yet had confirmation from the governor So I want to keep that week free.

    5. Ah well you see we will put a planning application in for a big kitchen extension you know the size that caters for conferences at £20 a head you know you can download a booking form online and fill it in but we'll have to ask Billinge family Church Ltd first for permission wouldn't want to upset them, perhaps they'll hire out the ice cool ice cream van they have in the grounds for private functions! every little helps,!!

    6. You really do need to get a hobby!! You must spend all week longing for that 1 hour of picketing?? You obviously have too much time on you hands? Seriously do something purposeful you may actually enjoy and benefit from it. Life's too short! Go on give it a go! Let me know how you get on.

    7. Wait a minute, if your handing out free extensions you can have the do at mine. I don't need a kitchen but an inside toilet would be nice. It's torture going down the yard on a winters night. Do you think you could run to one of them bidets as well, they're good for washing yours smalls and your socks in. Mind you I think I would keep it covered. Fred down the Legion has one and his grandkid used it for a number two, left it in a terrible mess he did.
      Anyway just a thought.

  6. An excellent idea from the poster above, if this could be put into place it would be and excellent idea. Someone make it happen please..

    1. Thank you for your comment, it's about time I was appreciated for all my good ideas and support.

    2. Yes, VI
      You're not as stupid as you look

    3. Who's this No. 6 your talking about?

    4. I was told you applied for the role of Village Idiot but were under qualified for the job. So that's an achievement for me isn't it. And my teacher always claimed I would be an under achiever...proved him wrong didn't i.

    5. I think you've got a wonky keyboard there, your t must be sticking. I have a mate who does repairs. He's good on things like that. He repaired my sisters steam iron and you can strip paint with it now. Mind you he fixed her telly ariel and now she can only pick up SC4. It's all in Welsh but you can make out the odd English word so you get the drift of it.

  7. well come residents of Crank Rd put it into action !!

  8. If there was a school on Crank Road would it generate the same reaction from the residents. If you go to any of the local schools in the Billinge area you will see parking issues on a regular basis twice a day.

  9. this is a different issue altogether

  10. Just one question, if the residents take issue with the parking outside of the church, then why do they try their level best to stop any solutions that the church come up with? It seems to me that the residents would rather create issues to complain about than find a solution that benefits everyone. Do you really represent the people of Billinge?

    1. poster above since you are aware of the problems concerning parking above caused by the church members why do they still continue to cause problems and when approached by residents why do those church members retort to verbal abuse it is not the residents who are the problem here it is the church members , the church has been approached many times regarding this and other problems they don't want to solve the problems they actually agrivate the situation by threating the residents this has happened many times and reported to the police and council.

  11. Totally agree with these comments. Well said.

    1. Thank you again, but it's now getting a little embarrassing receiving all this praise. I'm just doing what any right minded resident would do if he/she had my ability, but unfortunately they are not all as well endowed as I am.

    2. schools don't have live bands playing until late at night, big spotlights shinning into people windows until the early hours of the morning , screaming kids playing football until late at night, rude hand gestures and verbal abuse from kids playing in the grounds towards its neighbours, garden fences smashed, greenhouses damaged, footballs hitting residents and properties, schools don't intimidate, verbally abuse or physically abuse its neighbours, they don't block peoples driveways, need I say more .

    3. VILLAGE IDIOT , if your so well endowed as you put it, go nock yourself out and do us all a favour, better still go on a mission for a couple of weeks!!

    4. I nearly went on a mission some years ago. Oh yes I would have been famous I would. I was approached by NASA to pilot their first attempt in space. Anyway they picked that monkey because he could work the switches better than me. I still say it was nepotism by one of the bosses there. But there's always a silver lining, I had a nice two weeks in Disney out of it.

    5. It's quite obvious that the administrator of the site is incapable of moderating or controlling the site and will not therefore take the right and responsible action to close it down.

      Preferring instead to pour fuel on the fire and allow people to verbally abuse each other and make scathing accusations with no moderation at all.

      The longer you keep it a live blog, the bigger the fool you are ! If it's what you intended you have achieved your goal but have some sense of decorum and shut it down.

  12. I've given up hope with NASA now they're using real people in their space trips so I've written to Richard Branson, the one who's made all his money from pickles. He's going to go into outer space soon.
    I fancy doing a space walk, well you'll have to get used to that when we start taking our pets with us. You can't have your dog doing it's business inside the ship can you.
    By the way I see you haven't got that wonky t fixed yet on your keyboard, you might want to consider my offer.
