Tuesday 19 August 2014

Were the Planners Deceived in 2001 and 2003?

Were the Planners Deceived in 2001 and 2003?

In 2001, Billinge Family Church applied to Wigan Council for planning permission (A/01/53903):

"To erect 4 No. detached dwellings pursuant to demolition of existing hall and layout new vehicular access thereto on 0.23 Ha of land to be severed from curtilage of church (application in outline with means of access submitted for approval."

Furthermore, the report to the Development Control Committee stated on page 62 that it was "actively seeking to relocate to alternative premises and intend[ed] to offer the existing property for sale."

2001 Plan Showing Widened Driveway
 It should be noted that part of this proposal was to widen the driveway to accommodate the 4 new houses.

 However, the church did not move, did not demolish its existing building, nor ever build 4 hew houses. But it did at a later date construct the widened driveway.

Then, in 2003 the church applied for planning permission (A/03/58136):
"To extend existing Church ... to rear at two storeys to provide Place of Worship at ground floor and 2no. meeting rooms and kitchen at lower ground floor, together with 2no external staircases, and to layout additional 6no. car parking spaces (giving 22 no. spaces in total) and to layout new vehicular access."
2003 Plan: Widened Driveway not shown
Note that the vehicular access shown in the Report to the Development Committee is not shown as extended and is still as it was pre 2001 application A/01/53903.

One of the questions arising from this is whether the planning committee knew that the church intended to extend its driveway, using the permission obtained in 2001.

Why did the church not declare its intention on the 2003 plans? It would appear that the eventual outcome was an eclectic mix of parts of the two applications A/01/53903 and A/03/58136. Is the planning procedure supposed to be used in this way?

The question also arises as to whether the church ever had any intention of building the 4 houses. Was this done merely to obtain permission to extend the driveway?

Also note that the "existing church" in 2003 was not the house "Tralee", but the old building. So why did the church not state its true intentions?

Incidentally, note the size of the proposed extension relative to the house "Tralee". Compare this to what was eventually built.

Is it acceptable that Billinge Family Church has been able to get away with this sort of behaviour time and time again, without question? Should it not be held to account?


  1. If this is true, surely if enough of the residents complain to Wigan Council somthing will be done?

  2. we all don't want him here, none of us, we still have to pay council tax at the band we was in when we bought these houses, and had a lovely quiet old house on the estate,now we have to put up with industrial looking building and noise,and stress, I think that gives residents more of a say, rather than a bunch of people, who don't live round here,

    1. Don't include me in you 'all' statement. Have a perfectly functioning brain and more than capable of putting my own points of view forward

    2. Where are they then ?

  3. kerry came to billinge and is now trying to turn billinge into some sort of community for his tribe of non conformist followers

  4. Little Pumpskweak30 August 2014 at 12:54

    It seems that this church is never held to account over anything. It just keeps getting away with things time and time again.

  5. Yes your right that's why its so important the residents stand as one and fight this every step of the way and not let Kerry grind us and our community down, we owe it to ourselves and for future generations to come, we can't let this organisation take control !!

  6. Get a grip. This is a church not the third reich

    1. No, now you see that's where your wrong, not legally a church a business organisation to make money out of anything it can ! the clue is in the LTD COMPANY bit anyone can view their healthy accounts online !!

  7. Flippin heck your dead smart I bet they never thought people would be able to see the accounts on line. Quite sure will do nothing whatsoever to change that

  8. It's quite obvious that the administrator of the site is incapable of moderating or controlling the site and will not therefore take the right and responsible action to close it down.

    Preferring instead to pour fuel on the fire and allow people to verbally abuse each other and make scathing accusations with no moderation at all.

    The longer you keep it a live blog, the bigger the fool you are ! If it's what you intended you have achieved your goal but have some sense of decorum and shut it down.

    1. Oh my how it hurts when the truth about the goings on are reported and B F C realise we're wise to them, all they can do is attack.
