Wednesday 20 August 2014

Should A Church Have Morals?

  Should A Church Have Morals?

rear of billinge family church
Rear View of Billinge Family Church

This is a view of the rear of Billinge Family Church as seen from a resident's garden. At one time, when residents arose each morning they had a view of a beautiful house with landscaped gardens. Not any more. This industrial-looking monstrosity, which is approximately twice the depth of the original house and towers high above surrounding properties, has replaced it.

Needless to say, all residents were horrified when they saw what was being built. In fact, it is said that the builders demanded weekly payments because they could not believe it would ever be allowed to remain standing. But it was.

When the church pastor was challenged about his actions in producing this, the reply was: “It's legal”. Seemingly this was all that mattered, nothing else.

Should a church not have a moral responsibility to its neighbours and to everyone else? Does this apply here?


  1. i think it should

  2. Of course all churches have a moral responsibility to its surroundings and its community its actions are suppose to bring a community together offer a safe and peaceful also welcoming atmosphere, but the problem is that Billinge family Church is not legally a registered church it is a business organisation hiding behind the name church, it's morally wrong for a church to be a LTD company which this place is !! Pastor Kerry has bought this house called himself a Pastor called the house a church to hide behind whilst he makes as much money out of it as possible we all know that churches these days don't have healthy bank accounts but this place does !!

    1. They didn't even get planning permission for change of use from a nursery to a church.

  3. How can Mr Kerry justify his comments that jesus will appear at the wailing wall in Jerusalem !!!!!

    1. He thinks he is GOD !

    2. somebody obviously knows the truth !!!!

    3. I don’t think he is God, I’ve’ seen him. My neighbour was a bit stressed and had a breakdown and stole some pork chops from the co-op. I went to see him in Billinge psychiatric ward and asked him why he had done it and he said that God had told him And the bloke in the next bed said “I never said a word” it was a long time ago but he didn’t look like Mr Kerry

    4. Have you tried getting an appointment. It's easier to see the queen. Well it's easier if you climb over the palace wall and get in her bedroom like that nutter did. It would be a waste of time climbing over the fence and breaking into the doctors, they don't work after six.

    5. VILLAGE IDIOT your bed is waiting for you in Whiston psychiatric ward but better hurry they have been after you for a while and treatment will be long term!!

    6. I've tried that Whiston hospital before. I had my cataracts done there. They're very nice and the foods lovely. I was only a day patient but if you hang about the wards they give your dinner.
      My mate told me about this trick. He used to do it regularly even when he didn't have any treatment. He wished he hadn't now though. He got mixed up with a bloke from Thatto Heath who was in for a sex change. It had a happy ending though cause he's the same dress size as his missus and he got his pension five years early. Not a bad deal really.

  4. i thought religious people were supposed to do unto others as they would be done to. doesn't seem like that here. how would these people like something like this looking at them over their garden fences?

    1. Mystified - how is it that non religious people apparently have an expert knowledge of what religious people should and shouldn't do. What authority are you under ?

    2. poster above you really are deluded if you think that anyone who doesn't visually worship God in a church is some how not a Christian or decent person religion doesn't come into it to have a good knowledge of right and wrong

  5. Who in their right mind would design such an horrendous extension to go onto the back of a small detached house in landscaped gardens in the middle of a quiet residential estate, and how could the planners at Wigan Council even considered letting it go through, obviously it was made worth their while by Kerry, !!

    1. Concerned official16 September 2014 at 19:07

      I am a member of the Wigan planning committee and have been taking interest in this matter over the period of this application and take my role very seriously.
      Any decisions I make are taken with impartiality and fairness, considering all aspects of design, use and impact on the environment. I am therefore greatly insulted and utterly offended by any suggestion that I have been swayed by bribes or accepted any remuneration by way of gifts to influence the outcome of the forthcoming planning decision and request that further slanderous remarks and suggestions should cease from besmirching the good names and reputation of the committee.

    2. Really poster above what department of the council do you work for and what is your name ? If you scroll through the various pages on this site you will see that one of your friends has admitted that its not what you know its who you know the admission is there for all to see, need I say more !! you should also note that the residents of this area are being regularly slandered, besmirched, insulted and intimidated on this site, which is not what it is set up for

    3. I'll take a stab at this Water-Lily, it's probably an architect. Don't quote me on that one though cause my cousin had a builder do him an extension at the back of his house and he never had any training in building design. Mind you he forgot to put a light switch in it. Cost him a fortune in electricity. He's put those energy saving ones in now but the dog still can't get to sleep at night.

  6. how can it have morals its not church it looks and sounds like work place warehouse etc

    1. If it sounds like a duck and walks like a duck ......

  7. kerry sees more people more money nothing else

    1. Yes that's why he wants to extend his car parking area as much as possible because more cars means more people which means more MONEY, the ultimate goal !!

    2. Yes everyone who attends pays a car park fee straight into an overseas account

    3. I've heard that he will only accept notes in the collection and he has a team in the cellar washing the money clean and ironing it. I think it could be a money laundering scam!

    4. Oh, yes, a big money making scam. There are so many multi-millionnaires in Billinge to be milked for all they are worth, this is just the place to scrounge

    5. Well now when a church is a LTD COMPANY what is it in the business of " making money" what a surprise !

  8. Replies
    1. Kerry move that would be great !!!!!!!!!!

    2. we all agree on that poster above.

  9. Some of these comments on this blog in my opinion are a personal attack on one particular person. This is supposed to be a residents blog for people to communicate with each other. This should not be a platform for people to air the views about a person no matter what you think.

  10. the person is responsible for the whole set of problems that he has caused and continues to cause on a daily basis easy for those to pass judgement when they them selves don't suffer because of an organisation which is entirely responsible for its actions !! and it sounds to me like your in favour of this organisation and if so you don't need to be on this blog

  11. I thought this was a Billinge residents blog. It's clear to see there is an agenda here? Is this blog only for people who live around the Crank Rd area? If so this blog should not be labelled Billinge Residents Blog. I am a resident of Billinge and it appears clear to me that if we have an opinion that offers any support in favour of the church or anything that we write that you do not agree with then we are iasked to leave this blog. Therefore I will now leave this blog and will not return as it is clear other people from Billinge are not welcome? Could all your energy not be put into a much more worthy cause? Adios


  12. I agree, this blog is not representative of the local people but is being used as a personal vendetta on one person. Disgusted!!!!

    1. Totally agree with above posts the site is getting away from the main concerns, it is obvious that a lot of the comments are from church members because of the insulting attacks they have made to people who are concerned residents of this area , they are defensive of the church in their comments so we can clearly see who they are . Im disgusted in their behaviour on this site !!

    2. 'Obvious that a lot of comments are from church members because of the insulting attacks they have made' it's insane that you actually believe that thought.

      Don't make the foolish assumption that just because someone has a different viewpoint to those you hold, they are necessarily members of that Church/Business/Company

      Read your own blog which is will totally saturated with derogatory & personal attacks on one person in isolation, mostly asumptivley , without credence or actual facts and many of which I personally know to be incorrect. A person who you collectively have referred to indirectly and horrifically as a nazi - and this from people of a generation that supposed to know better, whys in Gods ( or any other deity you may or may not believe in) would you resort to that kind of attack, have you no conscious whatsoever or have you really forgotten the atrocities that happened? If you really put your own insignificant cause on par with those atrocities and imply named people are acting the same way- I pity you. In addition you label Church visitors, outsiders, muppets, puppets and a whole host of other defamatory accusations directly and indirectly have you also attacked. In addiction you also slander a whole host of other people in a similar derogatory manner with labels too many to repeat .

      We all live in social housing, unless your fortunate to live within several acres and isolated you WILL have to accommodate various inconveniences from your neighbours, you might not like it but it's a fact of life get on with it. People have BBQs make noise have parties, even screeching children in house adjoining my house - I love it it's a sign of life and not decay

      The sooner someone pulls the plug closes this blog down before it resorts to litigation the better.

    3. Blimey did you swallow the entire dictionary? bet your worn out after all that.

  13. It's quite obvious that the administrator of the site is incapable of moderating or controlling the site and will not therefore take the right and responsible action to close it down.

    Preferring instead to pour fuel on the fire and allow people to verbally abuse each other and make scathing accusations with no moderation at all.

    The longer you keep it a live blog, the bigger the fool you are ! If it's what you intended you have achieved your goal but have some sense of decorum and shut it down.

  14. Some of these comments are uncalled for totally missing the point. The building is unsightly I look onto it. The main concern us the noise that comes from it. Mainly children screaming on a sunday and Tuesday evening. They have been told on numerous occasions to stop the children outside making the noise but take no notice. More people attend more noise. When will they listen to the residents who live close by like myself.
